Ski S'kool 17

Ski S’kool 17-18

Even though we were not successful this year in getting the CCBC Grant to help us pay for the cost of hosting Ski S’Kool, we did receive a grant from the Canim Lake Truckers Association, and will be putting their $ to good use for the kids.

Ski S’Kool has been really well received the past couple of seasons thanks to Lydia Degroot and her group of volunteer coaches.  Did you see the letter from one of our participants in this year’s edition of Cross Country Ski BC magazine?

Also thanks to the District plowing crew for keeping our roads and parking lot clear so the busses could come up!

We need more volunteer coaches!  If you can help out, please contact Lydia Degroot or 250-593-0364.
You can pick and choose which days you’re available, so don’t feel you can’t volunteer because you’re going away for a vacation or can only come once a week.